My red hair experience with Garnier Olia
April 20, 2015
For the last 5 and a half years my hair has always been red.
I tried so many hair dyes but honestly, I don't remember any that would really amaze me. I always dye my hair at home with box colors, I don't want to spend that much money every 5 weeks at a hair salon, when I can get decent results at home.
Last month I had a little hair disaster, the dye I used was so highly pigmented with dark red, it turned my hair black. Literally, black. I cried. As pale as a ghost as I am, it didn't suite me one bit, at least that's how I felt, I had some friends tell me otherwise.
After a few weeks when the black has finally rinsed out, it is time to go red again.
This is the first time ever for me using Garnier Olia.
It is packed just like all other box dyes - a pair of plastic gloves, 40ml of conditioner and the color: 60g of creme developer and 60g of coloring cream. You mix these two together, and voila! One box costs 6€, I had to use two because I have long hair.
I used two different shades: intense red and deep red and mixed them together.
I colored my own hair, usually my roommate does it for me, but she was away at the time. The application caused me no problems. The dye applied smoothly, didn't dry my hair out in the process, they remained 'creamy' for the whole time. My scalp didn't burn and the scent was not unpleasant, which is a big win-win with box dies.
I must emphasize that this color is without ammonium and made out of 60% oils, and that's why it feels so pleasant. I definitely liked the application.
What about the end result?
I rinsed it off after 35min (you should leave it on for 30min but I forgot the time). I used the conditioner it comes with, which was very pleasant and made my hair very soft. My scalp was stained a bit, but that's normal with red. You can see how washed out my hair was before, and now it is a nice fresh dark red again. In the sun it looks much more vibrant! The lighting in my room was horrible the day I took these pictures. I wish they were better, sorry about that.
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before - after |
My roots are vibrant red, of course, since they are my natural light hair color. The rest of the hair is not as vibrant red as I would want them to be, but I am happy with how it looks. Basically, my hair is in a 'refreshed' dark red - violet color now, and I am pleased with that. I would prefer them to be lighter, but I know I can't get there so easy without bleaching, so I will try and try and try until I succeed.
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I look as a ghost here - it's just this stupid lighting in my living room. Also, sorry for the no makeup + glasses look! |
I will buy this hair color again in a few weeks, because it felt so nice on my hair while being applied and not damaging a bit. But I will go just in the 'intense red' shade, because I really want to make my hair a bit more vibrant red, not so dark red.
I hoped you liked this! If you are a blonde or brunette, I would say go for Olia, because it feels nice and nourishing and not so harsh as some box dyes can be.
Have a nice day!
xo Linda
4 komentarji
Jaz tudi uporabljam Olio ampak 7.40 Intense Copper. Sem zadovoljna z odtenkom, ampak mi je problem ker imam vedno fleke kjer mi barva ne prime. Še zdaj ne vem, če je kriva barva ali moji lasje. In to mi gre res na živce, čeprav pravijo, da izgleda dobro, ker nimam "čelade" in izgleda res bolj naravno. Meni je drugače tudi všeč, da ne smrdi preveč in nima amoniaka. Drugače pa jaz narastek pobarvam posebej in zraven dodam malo rjave, da dobim potem enak odtenek po narastku in ostalih laseh:)). Vsekakor drugič preizkusi samo Intense Red, bodo zagotovo bolj svetli;)
ReplyDeleteJaz sicer kakšne neenakomernosti nisem opazila, mi je pa zelo zanimivo, da tebi kar ne prime na določenih mestih. :) Drugič bom pa res vzela samo Intense red, da vidim, če bom kaj bolj zadovoljna z odtenkom. :)
DeleteJaz redno uporabljam intense red in mi je res super barva! Vedno mi lepo prime, čeprav mam na narastku malo svetlejše, ker si vse naenkrat pobarvam :) ampak zgleda vseeno lepo, kot neki rahli ombre :D meni je med barvanjem ok, ampak po pranju pa mam fejst suhe lase :( pol jih fajn namažem z oljem in je ok. Tak da tudi jaz priporočam!
ReplyDeleteTudi jaz sem zdaj po parih dneh opazila, da imam bolj izsušene konice kot ponavadi! Zanimivo :D Definitivno naslednjič vzamem samo Intense red! :)
DeleteThank you for all your comments! :)