Gwen Stefani Holiday for OPI
November 27, 2014
So just recently OPI came out with a new holiday collection, in collaboration with Gwen Stefani. I saw all the beautiful nail polishes in the drugstore yesterday and wanted them all! My best friend said to me that I should pick one because she wants to buy it for me as a gift. I was so happy! It was a hard choice though, but in the end I chose the one looking the most appropriate for Christmas. :)
Včeraj sem v Mullerju opazila novo OPI kolekcijo, božično, s podpisom Gwen Stefani. Vsi laki so čudoviti! Moja najboljša prijateljica, ki je bila z mano, mi je rekla, naj si kar enega izberem. In kupila mi ga je za darilo, kako mi je polešala dan (teden)! Sicer sem zelo težko izbrala barvo, na koncu sem vzela tisto, ki se mi je zdela najbolj božična.
This nail polish is called RED FINGERS & MISTLETOES. What a cute name! The color was a total surprise and I still don't quite understand how it works! In the bottle it looks like a really pretty red/bronze/golden and it looks really unique. But when applied on the nails, all the gold disappears and it becomes just a beautiful shimmery red. It is a really pretty red, I just don't quite understand where did the gold go? Maybe it will be more visible in the sunlight. Other than that, it applies really nice and smooth, dries quickly - I applied two coats and no top coat on this picture.
Tale lak se imenuje RED FINGERS & MISTLETOES, luštno praznično ime. Sama barva laka je bila čisto presenečenje in še vedno ne razumem popolnoma kako točno deluje. V steklenički izgleda kot bronasto zlato rdeča, ko pa je na nohtih, pa se spremeni v lepo svetlečo rdečo. Seveda je zelo lepa rdeča barva, samo ne razumem najbolj, kam je izginil zlat odtenek. Mogoče bo na soncu bolj viden. Drugače pa se lak zelo lepo nanaša in hitro posuši - nanesla sem dva sloja brez nadlaka.
Between these two pictures you can see how different it can look when the light changes. On the second picture you can maybe spot just a liiiiiiitle gold - I wish there was more.
Na teh dveh slikah se dobro vidi razlika, kako lahko lak različno izgleda če se spremeni svetloba. Na drugi sliki se mogoče tudi čiiisto malo opazi zlata barva - želim si, da bi se bolj opazila.
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Here you can see the other colors from the collection. My final words: I am really happy with this polish I got, even though it is a transformer, ha ha. I know I will get a lot of use out of it. Which color out of this collection would you like to try?
Na sliki lahko vidite še druge lake iz te kolekcije. Katerega bi pa ti najraje poskusila? Jaz sem s svojim zelo zadovoljna, tudi če magično spreminja barvo in vem, da ga bom veliko uporabljala.
Stay happy.
2 komentarji
Jst bi najraje imela I Carol about you, ampak tudi tale tvoj izbranec je lep in res decembrski odtenek :)
ReplyDeleteI Carol about you je bil tudi med mojimi ožjimi izbranci. :)
DeleteThank you for all your comments! :)