Empties and mini reviews #1

November 17, 2014

Hello ladies! First, let me apologize, I haven't posted a new blog post for a while now - I have been really busy and just couldn't find the time to take pictures. I promise I will get better and more organized in the future! :) Second, a new change on my blog. Since I have quite a few Slovenian followers, I decided all my posts will be written in English and in Slovene, from now on. To get to the point, today I will write about my first empties and add mini reviews to them, as it usual is with these poplar blog posts. Hope you like it!

Pozdravljene punce! Tiste, ki me že nekaj časa spremljate, veste, da pišem v angleščini. Odločila sem se, da bom začela pisati tudi v slovenščini, da vam malo olajšam branje. Moja današnja objava bo popularna 'empties' katere naslov pa se mi zdi nesmiselno prevajati v slovenščino, saj se sliši precej smešno, hehe. Pa tudi vem, da vse razumete kaj točno pomeni. Upam, da vam bo všeč!


SYOSS OLEO INTENSE hair color in Burgundy red: I only put one box in the picture, but really in the mean time I used 4. I color my hair every 4 to 5 weeks, it is a necessity if I want them to stay nice and red, not orange. I prefer to have a dark red, almost violet color, it works better for me because it doesn't wash out that easily. This one is one of my favorites, but it is not the best of the best - I still have to find that one. :)
Tudi če je na sliki samo ena škatla te barve, sem v teh treh mesecih porabila že štiri. Barvam se na 4 do 5 tednov, če hočem imeti lepo rdeče lase in ne oranžne. Ta barva mi je všeč, ker je zelo temna rdeča, skoraj vijola, in res dlje časa zdrži in se ne izpere. Ta je ena mojih najljubših, vendar še vedno iščem neko boljšo ki me bo popolnoma navdušila.

LOREAL ELVITAL COLOR GLANZ LEAVE-IN CONDITIONER. From time to time I decide it's time to buy a spray leave-in conditioner and when I do, I always buy this one. It smells nice, protects colored hair and doesn't make them any greasier as any other conditioner would. It's an average product for the price you pay (less than 4€ I belive).
Ko si zaželim balzama v spreju vedno kupim tega, ker me še nikoli ni razočaral. Je precej poceni, lepo diši, naredi mehke lase in jih ne zmasti preveč. Ni nič posebnega, vendar za to ceno najbrž eden boljših (veliko boljši od vseh Gliss Kur ki sem jih preizkusila).

AUSSIE LUSCIOUS LONG SHAMPOO. This was my first Aussie product I tried. I expected more. I still have to try the conditioner because I  heard only good things about it. Otherwise, this shampoo smells really really nice and is in an interesting blue color! It makes your hair clean, sadly it doesn't leave the nice smell to them, but that's pretty much it. It doesn't make your hair silky smooth or crazy shiny, it really is just a regular shampoo. I will not repurchase it.
Ta šampon je prvi Aussie produkt ki sem ga preizkusila in žal me ni navdušil. Je lepe modre barve in lepo diši vendar ne pusti tega prijetnega vonja. Tudi ne naredi las mehkih ali svilnatih, je čisto povprečen šampon. Ne bom ga več kupila, bi pa preizkusila njihov balzam.


BALEA SHAVING GEL. My favorite shaving gel. This one has a coconut smell which was really summer appropriate and nice. I will always repurchase these because they are so cheap and work like they are supposed to. This scent was limited edition, though.
Mislim, da vse poznate gele za britje od Balee. Preprosto so najboljši, pa še zelo poceni so. Tale z vonjem kokosa je bil poletne izdaje. Ni več kaj za dodati, drugega kot to, da je za nizko ceno zelo kvaliteten izdelek, ki ga toplo priporočam vsem. 

BOROTALCO SHOWER GEL. I looove the scent of this shower gel - it smells like baby powder. I can say, it is one of my favorite shower gels I have ever tried. Smells good and makes your skin really soft and moisturized. I will repurchase it in the future, just not right now, because I have a few other showering products on my 'must-try' list.
Eden mojih najljubših gelov za tuširanje. Zelo lepo diši, po čistem in po otroškem pudru, naredi tvojo kožo mehko in navlaženo. Definitivno ga bom še kupila, vendar imam prej še par izdelkov ki bi jih rada preizkusila. 

BALEA RASPBERRY SHIMMER SHOWER GEL. This was a really pretty product, pink and shimmery and had a really nice raspberry scent. Sadly it was not moisturizing at all. I would say it was average, I would not repurchase it, but it was limited edition anyway. Balea can make some really good shower gels, I tried much better in the past.
Tale gel za tuširanje je izgledal veliko lepše kot pa se je dejansko 'obnašal'. Bil je roza barve z bleščicami, zelo lepo dišal po malinah vendar žal kože ni čisto nič navlažil. Preizkusila sem že veliko kvalitetnejših gelov od Balee. Bil je omejena izdaja, pa tudi če ne bi bil, ga ne bi več kupila.


BALEA BODY CREME WITH SHEA BUTTER AND ARGAN OIL. This was great and the packaging is huge so it lasted me for months! A really nice and moisturizing body creme, made my skin feel really soft and smooth and smells really nice. It was specially nice after shaving, because it has a soothing effect. It was really cheap (under 3€), too, so for the price you get a lot ( size and quality). I would repurchase it, but I want to try some other products first. ;)
Tale losjon oz. krema za telo s karitejevim maslom in arganovim oljem je eden boljših Baleinih produktov. Kožo naredi mehko, navlaženo, hitro se vpije, pomirja po britju in še prijetno diši. Ima tak jesensko zimski vonj. Pa še zelo poceni je za ogromno embalažo. Toplo priporočam!

AVON NATURALS HYDRATING PEACH AND COTTON FACE CREAM. A regular hydrating face cream, suitable for normal to mixed skin. I was using it in the late summer and I liked it, it behaved well under foundation, it only bothers me that it doesn't have SPF. I can't use it anymore now, because my skin is really dry and this isn't hydrating enough. I got it for a little less than 4€. I would repurchase it again when the winter is over - if I don't find another one more interesting before. 
Tale krema za obraz je bila prijetna, vendar nič posebnega. Nosila sem jo pozno poleti in začetek jeseni, sedaj mi ni več primerna, ker imam preveč suho kožo - primerna je bolj za normalno do mešano. Lepo se je obnašala pod pudrom, mogoče jo bom spet kupila na pomlad, če ne najdem kakšne bolj zanimive prej.


MAYBELLINE GENTLE NAIL POLISH REMOVER. My favorite nail polish remover. It is suitable for weak nails, which makes me like it even more. It is not the cheapest, but it is worth it. I don't think it makes glitter removal any easier than any other remover, sadly, you have to work to get it off just as much as with any other. But as far as regular polish goes, I can tell the difference - it works better and faster.
Moj najljubši odstranjevalec laka, pa še za šibke nohte je. Koliko res pomaga ne vem, je pa dober trik, da si prepričana, da manj škoduješ svojim nohtom, ker je brez acetona. Nisem opazila, da bi bleščice kaj hitreje odstranjeval kot kateri koli drug lak, sem pa opazila, da navaden lak hitreje in temeljiteje odstrani kot pa recimo veliko cenejši aceton Balee ali pa Ebelina. 

BALEA WINTER HAND CREAM FOR EXTREMELY DRY HANDS. I am so 'meh' about this hand cream. It helps with dry skin, really does, but it just doesn't soak in and it makes your hands so sticky! So it is not appropriate for on-the-go, I only used it before I went to sleep. It claims to be perfume free, but it has that typical medical scent - not very pleasant. I would not repurchase it. 
Ta krema za roke mi je 'povzročala probleme'. Res pomaga proti suhi koži, vendar se nikakor ne vpije in naredi tak čuden filter na koži. Uporabljala sem jo samo pred spanjem, ker za drugje ni primerna. Ne bi je ponovno kupila. Naj bi bila brez parfumov, vendar ima vseeno tak umeten in neprijeten vonj. Drugih izkušenj z Baleinimi kremami za roke pa nimam.



I am throwing the China Glaze and OPI polish away because they are old and dried out, I liked them both, they were very good quality and I had them forever. The Maybelline polish should be a growth serum, but it did completely nothing for me, so I am throwing it away.
China Glaze in OPI lak sta oba stara in posušena, zato se jih bom znebila, vendar sem oba porabila do dna in bila sta zelo kvalitetna laka, zelo sem bila zadovoljna z njima. Maybelline lak pa je bil totalno razočaranje, naj bi bil serum za utrjevanje in rast nohtov, vendar ni imel popolnoma nobenih koristnih učinkov, žal. 


MANHATTAN SOFT MATTE LOOSE POWDER. Used to be my favorite face powder, I am throwing it away because it is about 5 years old, so...yeah..it was about time. I have a new favorite now, but this used to perform great, it made my skin matte for almost the whole day and was not like a mask on my skin.
To je bil včasih moj najljuši puder, mečem ga stran, ker je že zelo zelo star. Plus, našla sem nov najljubši puder. Sicer je pa bil tale precej kvaliteten, ni naredil umetnega videza in obdržal je mat kožo skoraj cel dan. Mislim, da je dan danes na trgu zelo veliko pudrov v prahu s takim učinkom, zato ni tale nič posebnega. 

GARNIER BB CREAM. I am sure you already heard about this product, it was pretty hyped a year ago or so. I was using it in the summer, I can't use it anymore because it got old and looks orange on my face. It was a good BB cream, had nice coverage, had a light feeling on my skin and lasted quite good through the summer days. I would recommend it to anyone, who needs a light to medium coverage and is not too fair.
Gotovo ste že slišale za to BB kremo, najbrž jo imate tudi doma. Uporabljala sem jo poleti in bila mi je zelo všeč, vendar je postala 'stara' in na moji koži izgleda oranžno, tako da je ne morem več uporabljati. Sem pa bila zadovoljna, lepo je izenačila polt in naredila lahek občutek na koži. Priporočila bi jo vsem, ki iščete tak učinek in nimate presvetle polti, saj je tudi najsvetlejši odtenek precej temen. 

That was quite a long post, thank you if you made it through the end, I really appreciate it! Have a great day! :)
Hvala vsem, ki ste prišle do konca tega precej dolgega posta, vesela bom vseh komentarjev, lepo se imejte! :)

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